It has been six months since we started the development of and we’re ready to draw back the curtain. A good opportunity to do so was at the annual Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze. A notable addition to the event this year is a technology initiative called Florence Heri-Tech ~ The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies Conference. This was a natural fit for and the perfect platform from which to launch this unique initiative. We were given a room to present a workshop and some quality stage time. Drum roll please!
We took the opportunity to unveil the new logo and title for community members!
We’re pleased to see so many young people, interested in their heritage!
In contrast, the older team shows some grey, but so much experience!
Hats off to everyone for getting this unique heritage initiative going!
Presentation – Florence, Italy – Salone & Tech Conference – 17 May 2018
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It’s not a coincidence that we selected Florence as the place to put our pin on the map. After all, this is where the Renaissance started, and we certainly hope that history rubs off on Heritage movements all over the world needs to get moving again. Now that the wheels are in motion, we plan to test everything thoroughly over the next few months, before going global. Getting ready for Heritage Ambassadors to lead the way.