The Great Temple of Abu Simbel, in Nubia near Egypt’s southern border, is among the most awe-inspiring monuments of Egypt. It was cut into the living rock by King Ramesses II (the Great) of the Nineteenth Dynasty, around 1264 BC. The temple is most well known for the four imposing seated colossal statues that dominate its façade. One of these collapsed because of an ancient earthquake, and its fragments can still be seen on the ground. Colossal standing statues of the king line the main hall, leading to the sanctuary where four deities are sat: Amun‑Ra, Ra‑Horakhty, Ptah, and a deified version of Ramesses II. The temple was built with such precision that on two days a year, the 22nd of February and 22nd of October, the sun’s rays enter the temple, cross the main hall, and illuminate the innermost statues. These dates are thought to correspond to the coronation and birthday of Ramesses II. Another rock-cut temple to the north, known as the Small Temple, is dedicated to the goddess Hathor and Ramesses II’s Great Royal Wife, Queen Nefertari. On the façade of the Small Temple, her colossi are the same size as those of her husband, a very rare example of such display. The two temples were moved from their original location in 1968 after the Aswan High Dam was built, which threatened to submerge them. The relocation was completed thanks to an international effort led by UNESCO, and the temple was admitted into the list of World Heritage Sites in 1979.
Sebbene il nome "Albertina" si riferisca a Carlo Alberto di Savoia, al quale si deve la decisiva "rifondazione" dell'Accademia nel 1833, le sue origini sono ben più lontane, tanto che l'Accademia di Torino può essere considerata una delle più antiche d'Italia. Negli ultimi anni l'Accademia Albertina si è ulteriormente trasformata e rinnovata, promuovendo numerose iniziative educative e culturali che hanno portato al: riordino e la riapertura al pubblico della Pinacoteca, il restauro dell'edificio e la razionalizzazione degli spazi interni (tuttora in corso), l'intensa attività di mostre, convegni, seminari ed eventi, la massiccia introduzione dell' informatica in Accademia e l'istituzione del nuovo corso sperimentale di Conservazione e Restauro a partire dall'anno scolastico 1997-98. Dal 2019 Paola Gribaudo, la prima donna a diventarne la direttrice, sta lavorando con grande forza e innovazione per farla diventare un irrinunciabile centro di cultura per la città e la nazione. Although the name "Albertina" refers to Carlo Alberto di Savoia, to whom we owe the decisive "re-foundation" of the Academy in 1833, its origins are much more remote, so much so that the Turin Academy can be considered one of the oldest in Italy. In recent years the Accademia Albertina has further transformed and renewed itself, promoting numerous educational and cultural initiatives. In this case, the reorganization and reopening to the public of the Pinacoteca, the restoration of the building and the rationalization of the internal spaces (still in progress), the intense activity of exhibitions, conferences, seminars and events, the massive introduction of the computer science in the Academy and the institution of the new experimental course of Conservation and Restoration starting from the school year 1997-98. Since 2019 Paola Gribaudo, the first woman to become its director, is working with great strength and innovation driving it to become an indispensable center of culture for the city and the nation.
To be dressed by Alberta Florence is to take a stroll in Rome between the Via Veneto and the Piazza del Popolo in the perfume of a late afternoon in June, losing oneself in an art gallery, a cinema set, a bookshop, or in a poem. Wearing the clothes of the Atelier means realizing the dream of owning a unique object; Alberta Florence is a breath of classical originality in a world that changes, but that never compromises on style. The Atelier, established in 2014, finds its inspiration in the Italy of the 1950s and 60s, a period infused with ferment and magic, and in the soft lines and brilliant colors of the Tuscan landscape. A Bel Paese where nature's verdant profusion of olive groves, woods and luxuriant gardens became the framework for a cultural renaissance in which intense friendships gave birth to artistic movements. Novels such as The Garden of the Finzi Contini and the writings of Natalia Ginzburg and Truman Capote are further seminal influences on the ethos of Alberta Florence, which also derives creative impulse from beautiful and courageous women, the likes of Peggy Guggenheim and Paola Bucarelli, and from legendary painters with powerful personalities such as De Chirico and Guttuso. References to the cinema of the dreamlike visionary Federico Fellini are ever present. The way in which the clothes are cut represents the synthesis of the philosophy and style of Giulia Mondolfi, the heart and soul of the Atelier. Alberta Florence does not follow fashion, but is rather classically contemporary, the constant references to a past elegance always reinterpreted with a modern twist. What emerges is clothing of extreme formal simplicity which is at the same time distinctive, timeless. Giulia adores collecting fabrics which she considers real works of art in their own right, and which she sources mainly in Florence, but also during her travels to Rome, Bologna, Milan and Paris. It is indeed the fabric itself that gives form to her clothes, the prints, colors and patterns of the materials providing her inspiration. Each piece of the collection is unique because it is created from a limited quantity of fabric, and is expertly tailored by hand in Florence. The result is a perfect coming together of fashion, design and skilled craftsmanship. The Atelier Alberta Florence believes strongly in sustainable development, and for this reason has entrusted part of its production to a social cooperative which provides work for disadvantaged young people.
Alberto Angela è un giovane paleontologo, divulgatore scientifico, conduttore televisivo, giornalista e scrittore italiano, figlio di Piero Angela lo scienziato che per primo ha usato il mezzo televisivo per portare la Scienza nelle case di tutti con acuta intelligenza. Alberto, che è nato e cresciuto a Parigi, ha seguito le orme del padre. Specializzandosi in paleontologia, branca delle scienze naturali che studia gli esseri viventi vissuti nel passato geologico e i loro ambienti di vita sulla Terra. Anche lui si è dedicato, fin da giovane, alla divulgazione scientifica in televisione. Alberto Angela ci accompagna in un viaggio alla scoperta delle "Meraviglie" italiane, quelle che ci rendono una vera e propria "penisola dei tesori". Un itinerario fra arte e bellezze naturali nei siti riconosciuti dall'Unesco come patrimonio dell'umanità. Da parecchi anni attraverso il suo programma Ulisse con maestria, conoscenza scientifica e con l'uso d'immagini che dipingono quadri reali porta alle famiglie temi scientifici e artistici importanti e anche difficili. Alberto Angela is a young paleontologist, scientific popularizer, television host, journalist and Italian writer, son of Piero Angela, the scientist who was the first to use the television medium to bring science into everyone's homes with acute intelligence. Alberto, who was born and raised in Paris, followed in his father's footsteps. Specializing in paleontology, a branch of natural science that studies living beings who lived in the geological past and their living environments on Earth. From an early age, he too has dedicated himself to scientific dissemination on television. Alberto Angela takes us on a journey to discover the Italian "Wonders", the ones that make us a real "treasure peninsula". An itinerary between art and natural beauty in the sites recognized by Unesco as a world heritage site. For several years, through his program, Ulysses has brought important and even difficult scientific and artistic themes to families with mastery, scientific knowledge and the use of images that paint real pictures.
Alex Polizzi is an English television personality, hotelier, and businesswoman. Since 2008, she has appeared on the British television series The Hotel Inspector on Channel 5. In 2014, Alex launched a new Channel 5 series, Alex Polizzi's Secret Italy, where she visits either lesser-known places within Italy or well-known towns and cities and, using local connections, shows areas that tourists would not ordinarily experience. From 2018, she invited, the resAlex Polizzitaurateur Oliver Peyton, to join her in a new Channel 5 series Peyton And Polizzi’s Restaurant Rescue. Her contagious smile carries you through her videos into a beautiful unknown experience oh heritage and handcrafts skills. She discovers heritage to be saved for the future generations.
Alison Woolley started her career as an apprentice in a traditional Florentine ‘bottega’ decorating furniture in the Renaissance style. Over the years she specialized work blossomed into expertise in creating luxuriously decorated surfaces of many kinds, from interior murals to fabric and stencil design. Today, you can see the artist's refined and meticulous hand on works such as two hand-painted harpsichords for the Opera of Versailles and designs for Salvatore Ferragamo. Alison is a professional artist and decorator specialized in Italian painted furniture, owner of Florenceart.net, a painting and decoration studio in Florence Italy. Alison graduated with honours after winning two scholarships from the Ontario College of Art and Design in Canada. She moved to Florence and worked for more than 15 years under the guidance of Florentine master artisans before opening her own bottega in Via San Bartolo a Cintoia 97. Her bottega produces fine furniture finishes and decorative art for the interior design industry worldwide. 'I came as a student in 1987 to Florence and was captured by the special beauty of this city and the Florentine people. The atmosphere inside a true old style Florentine bottega is something rare that I view as a gift that was given to me, and that I would like to share. These artisans taught me a way of working, a set of skills, and an appreciation for fine European antiques and decorative work that remains the basis of my daily work.' Alison’s work has been exhibited in various international decorative design shows:
Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city, is in the south-central part of the state on the Cook Inlet. It's known for its cultural sites, including the Alaska Native Heritage Center, which displays traditional crafts, stages dances, and presents replicas of dwellings from the area’s indigenous groups. The city is also a gateway to nearby wilderness areas and mountains including the Chugach, Kenai, and Talkeetna. Anchorage is the place where young spirits and adventurous souls come to play. Alaska activities including famous wildlife, spectacular mountain vistas, fascinating cultures and icy blue glaciers all await your discovery. Metropolitan luxuries mix with unrivaled natural wonders to make Anchorage an unforgettable destination.