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Born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, I am Aa-isha Hassiem a 22-year-old who could be described as ambitious, hard-working, and a perfectionist. I enjoy being challenged with new tasks, as I believe discomfort allows one to grow and learn. I enjoy teamwork, but I am also capable of working on my own. I believe that communication is an important aspect of any relationship, especially professional ones, as it doesn’t leave any room for errors or misunderstandings. Therefore, I pride myself on being a skilled communicator. I am organized, goal-driven, and I find it very hard to set a task down once I have started. I may not have the most extroverted personality, but I do enjoy socializing with others in any setting. I recently graduated with a BA in English and Communication Science. While completing my degree, I worked as an editorial intern at Highbury Media, where I gained first-hand experience in editing, publishing, and social media management. I was also able to sharpen my writing skills, which came in handy as I went on to work as a freelance writer for ClubX Magazine for over a year. Even though I do not have years of experience behind me, I am, however, eager to learn. And a fresh mind is always a benefit. When it comes to my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, and painting. I am also currently learning Italian and intend on tackling many other foreign languages.

 Listings /  Africa

The Great Temple of Abu Simbel, in Nubia near Egypt’s southern border, is among the most awe-inspiring monuments of Egypt. It was cut into the living rock by King Ramesses II (the Great) of the Nineteenth Dynasty, around 1264 BC. The temple is most well known for the four imposing seated colossal statues that dominate its façade. One of these collapsed because of an ancient earthquake, and its fragments can still be seen on the ground. Colossal standing statues of the king line the main hall, leading to the sanctuary where four deities are sat: Amun‑Ra, Ra‑Horakhty, Ptah, and a deified version of Ramesses II. The temple was built with such precision that on two days a year, the 22nd of February and 22nd of October, the sun’s rays enter the temple, cross the main hall, and illuminate the innermost statues. These dates are thought to correspond to the coronation and birthday of Ramesses II. Another rock-cut temple to the north, known as the Small Temple, is dedicated to the goddess Hathor and Ramesses II’s Great Royal Wife, Queen Nefertari. On the façade of the Small Temple, her colossi are the same size as those of her husband, a very rare example of such display. The two temples were moved from their original location in 1968 after the Aswan High Dam was built, which threatened to submerge them. The relocation was completed thanks to an international effort led by UNESCO, and the temple was admitted into the list of World Heritage Sites in 1979.

 A /  Africa

Sebbene il nome "Albertina" si riferisca a Carlo Alberto di Savoia, al quale si deve la decisiva "rifondazione" dell'Accademia nel 1833, le sue origini sono ben più lontane, tanto che l'Accademia di Torino può essere considerata una delle più antiche d'Italia. Negli ultimi anni l'Accademia Albertina si è ulteriormente trasformata e rinnovata, promuovendo numerose iniziative educative e culturali che hanno portato al: riordino e la riapertura al pubblico della Pinacoteca, il restauro dell'edificio e la razionalizzazione degli spazi interni (tuttora in corso), l'intensa attività di mostre, convegni, seminari ed eventi, la massiccia introduzione dell' informatica in Accademia e l'istituzione del nuovo corso sperimentale di Conservazione e Restauro a partire dall'anno scolastico 1997-98. Dal 2019 Paola Gribaudo, la prima donna a diventarne la direttrice, sta lavorando con grande forza e innovazione per farla diventare un irrinunciabile centro di cultura per la città e la nazione. Although the name "Albertina" refers to Carlo Alberto di Savoia, to whom we owe the decisive "re-foundation" of the Academy in 1833, its origins are much more remote, so much so that the Turin Academy can be considered one of the oldest in Italy. In recent years the Accademia Albertina has further transformed and renewed itself, promoting numerous educational and cultural initiatives. In this case, the reorganization and reopening to the public of the Pinacoteca, the restoration of the building and the rationalization of the internal spaces (still in progress), the intense activity of exhibitions, conferences, seminars and events, the massive introduction of the computer science in the Academy and the institution of the new experimental course of Conservation and Restoration starting from the school year 1997-98. Since 2019 Paola Gribaudo, the first woman to become its director, is working with great strength and innovation driving it to become an indispensable center of culture for the city and the nation.

 A /  Greater Europe

Per noi di adArte restauro, prima di eseguire un buon lavoro di restauro è basilare conoscere al meglio delle possibilità il bene oggetto di intervento. Competenza e strumentazione tecnologica sono componenti imprescindibili per un lavoro che si deve svolgere in maniera metodologica. Un buon restauro non può prescindere da una valida indagine conoscitiva preliminare. adArte, grazie alla competenza professionale del suo personale, offre un ventaglio di metodologie di indagine che spaziano dalle ricerche archeologiche, storiche e d’archivio, ad analisi tecniche di tipo non invasivo (termocamera, infrarosso, endoscopio, droni), fino alla realizzazione di tasselli stratigrafici murari. Allo stesso tempo anche l’aspetto documentale di queste tipologie di ricerca è fondamentale, motivo per il quale siamo in grado di fornire relazioni preliminari e di indagine dettagliate, realizzate con programmi specifici e spesso open source. La progettazione di un restauro è una fase delicata ed importantissima, in cui il dialogo tra specialisti, committenti ed enti svolge un ruolo fondamentale. adArte, in linea con la normativa vigente nell’ambito del Restauro dei Beni Culturali, si avvale di figure abilitate alla realizzazione di progetti di restauro completi, mappature di cantiere o del bene in oggetto (anche con tecnologia 3D), computi metrici e, su richiesta, rilievi grafici di diverse tipologie a seconda delle necessità. Oggi lavorare su un complesso architettonico di interesse storico, artistico richiede l’apporto integrato di più competenze, per poter offrire un risultato di qualità e valorizzare al meglio il bene oggetto di intervento. In condizioni di lavoro particolarmente complesse (come ad esempio il recupero di un immobile articolato) e che richiedono una particolare integrazione di competenze con interazione di professionalità diverse, siamo in grado di fornire e coordinare per conto della Committenza l’intera squadra di lavoro (archeologi, storici, geologi, restauratori, impresa edile, impiantisti, falegnami, fabbri, imbianchini, ecc…) compresa la parte professionale afferente alla progettazione, alla direzione lavori e al coordinamento della sicurezza. I nostri campi d'intervento perciò sono ampi e comprendono: restauro di superfici decorate, Restauro di strutture edili, restauro e recupero di beni archeologici, rimozione atti vandalici, manutenzione e protezione, coordinamento lavori. L’azienda si avvale di strumenti e tecnologie all’avanguardia rappresentate dal nostro settore ICT (Information and Communications Technology) che comprendono il rilevamento strumentale (GNSS e Stazione Totale), geofisico e aerofotogrammetrico (Aerial Remote Sensing). adArte si è dotata da subito di un software gestionale autoprodotto (pyArchInit) ed una realtà dinamica in grado di fornire soluzioni tecnico – informatiche al servizio del territorio. L’azienda opera anche nell’ambito della pianificazione urbanistico-territoriale attraverso analisi e valutazioni d’impatto dei progetti sulla paesaggistica (3d modelling & rendering) e lo sviluppo di Sistemi Informativi territoriali per PSC e PUG comunali. Dal 2012 la società ha la certificazione SOA OS25, II livello ed è consociata ad Archeoimprese.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Adriano Olivetti (1901 – 1960) è stato un imprenditore, ingegnere e politico italiano, figlio di Camillo Olivetti fondatore della prima fabbrica italiana di macchine per scrivere. Uomo di grande e singolare rilievo nella storia italiana del secondo dopoguerra, si distinse per i suoi innovativi progetti industriali basati sul principio secondo cui il profitto aziendale deve essere reinvestito a beneficio della comunità. Adriano Olivetti riuscì a creare nel secondo dopoguerra italiano un'esperienza di fabbrica nuova e unica al mondo in un periodo storico in cui si fronteggiavano due grandi potenze: capitalismo e comunismo. Olivetti credeva che fosse possibile creare un equilibrio tra solidarietà sociale e profitto, tanto che l'organizzazione del lavoro comprendeva un'idea di felicità collettiva che generava efficienza. Gli operai vivevano in condizioni migliori rispetto alle altre grandi fabbriche italiane: ricevevano salari più alti, vi erano asili e abitazioni vicino alla fabbrica che rispettavano la bellezza dell'ambiente, i dipendenti godevano di convenzioni. Per tutelare e promuovere la figura di Adriano Olivetti e il suo pensiero gli eredi hanno costituito nel 1962 la Fondazione Adriano Olivetti con sede a Roma e a Ivrea. "Adriano Olivetti" è un marchio registrato, depositato nel 2018 dalla Fondazione Adriano Olivetti. Adriano Olivetti (1901 - 1960) was an Italian entrepreneur, engineer and politician, son of Camillo Olivetti, founder of the first Italian typewriter factory. A man of great and singular importance in post-World War II Italian history, he distinguished himself for his innovative industrial projects based on the principle that corporate profits must be reinvested for the benefit of the community. Adriano Olivetti succeeded in creating a new and unique factory experience in the world after the Second World War in a historical period in which two great powers were facing each other: capitalism and communism. Olivetti believed that it was possible to create a balance between social solidarity and profit, so much so that the organization of work included an idea of ​​collective happiness that generated efficiency. The workers lived in better conditions than the other large Italian factories: they received higher wages, there were kindergartens and houses near the factory that respected the beauty of the environment, the employees enjoyed agreements. To protect and promote the figure of Adriano Olivetti and his thoughts, the heirs set up the Adriano Olivetti Foundation in 1962 with offices in Rome and Ivrea. "Adriano Olivetti" is a registered trademark, filed in 2018 by the Adriano Olivetti Foundation.

 A /  Greater Europe

Il Maestro Adriano Spada, esperto in restauro architettonico ha una grande passione per tutti gli habitat e il benessere di tutto ciò che vive. Molto curioso, dedica tempo alla ricerca di materiali organici, specialmente alla calce e alle loro trasformazioni con nuove tecniche, per renderli adatti al nostro tempo, gusto, modo di pensare e vivere. Capace di trasmettere ai giovani muratori, restauratori, decoratori e pittori quella manualità che viene da una vita vissuta nei cantieri di edifici storici, insegna il marmorino e tutte le tecniche affini, come si facevano 2.000 anni fa. Gestisce fino a 10 cantieri insieme con passione e dedizione. Sempre alla ricerca di risposte, a volte le trova. Master Adriano Spada, an expert in architectural restoration, has a great passion for all habitats and the well-being of everything that lives. Very curious, he devotes time to researching organic materials, especially lime and their transformation with new techniques, to make them suitable for our time, taste, way of thinking and living. He, capable of transmitting to young masons, restorers, decorators and painters that manual skill that comes from a life lived in the construction sites of historic buildings, teaches marmorino and all related techniques, as they were done 2,000 years ago. He manages up to 10 construction sites together with passion and dedication. Always looking for answers, sometimes he finds them.

 A, Listings /  Greater Europe

Advancing Women Artists closed its doors on June 30, 2021. Although the organization is no longer operative, the website will remain accessible as a digital archive and a resource for those interested in research, restoration and exhibition of art by women in Florence. By giving a voice to historic women artists, AWA Advancing Woman Artists rescues and reclaims the ‘hidden half’ of Florence’s art. Women world-wide band together to support art and conservation. Myriad paintings and sculptures by ground-breaking women artists have been overlooked for centuries, and many works are currently in need of restoration.

 A /  Greater Europe

During the past 60 years, the Durban African Art Centre Association (African Art Centre) has provided a hundred of artists and crafters with opportunities for self-employment and the realization of their talents. Originally established as a programme of the South African Institute of Race Relations in 1959, the African Art Centre has, since 1984, operated as a non-profit organization. It was guided by the late Jo Thorpe, who virtually single-handed, put Durban on the map as an important centre of black artistic development. Since its inception, the African Art Centre has successfully facilitated and implemented relevant development and mentorship programmes and showcase opportunities for hundreds of artists and crafters from rural and urban KwaZulu-Natal. The Centre is recognized as one of the longest running South African organizations involved in the development and marketing of the works produced by disadvantaged artists and crafters. Through various marketing initiatives, every attempt is made to assist artists and crafters to tap into domestic, provincial, national and international markets. Our shop and gallery now situated in premises at The Phansi Museum at 500 Esther Roberts Road, Glenwood, Durban, allows us to professionally showcase and promote the works of artists and crafters on and ongoing basis.

 Listings /  Africa

La Famiglia Ferdy nasce nel 1989, quando Ferdinando Quarteroni e la moglie Cinzia Balestra decidono di inziare la loro avventura nella neonata azienda familiare con l’acquisto dei primi 12 cavalli. Iniziano a far conoscere ai loro ospiti l’identità e la storia di Ferdy su una costa del fiume Brembo in Val Brembana, area raggiungibile solo attraverso un ponticello. Questo ponticello che porta ad un antico cancello, contraddistinguerà nel tempo (e tutt’oggi contraddistingue) l’unico accesso ad un luogo incantato nel cuore della natura. In questi anni Ferdy, soprannome di Ferdinando, può solo immaginare come potrà trasformare questo luogo in una meta pronta ad accogliere ed offrire servizi i suoi ospiti. Cinzia, nel frattempo, sta lavorando per far sì che quei loro sogni diventino realtà. Il progetto inziale si evolve con l’acquisto delle vacche di famiglia del papà di Ferdy, Rolando Nazareno, e qualche capo di capra. Le vacche saranno solo di razza Bruna Alpina Originale e le Capre solo Orobiche: animali autoctoni delle Orobie, che diventeranno una delle pietre miliari dell’azienda. Questi animali sono in grado di vivere per molti mesi all’anno libere sulle montagne cibandosi di solo pascolo e producendo latte dalle altissime proprietà organolettica e salutistiche. Agriturismo Ferdy negli anni è stato in grado di innovarsi e rinnovarsi senza mai perdere il contatto con le vere tradizioni locali e la sostenibilità di razze autoctone e del territorio circostante. È proprio questo concetto olistico che spinge l’azienda a vivere secondo gli stessi ritmi della natura, a valorizzare le ricchezze di un prato che diventa pascolo per gli animali, erbe spontanee officinali per il ‘Borgo del Benessere’ e che alimentano con antico sapere, i sapori del ristorante. Agriturismo Ferdy è innanzitutto rispetto e valorizzazione della natura. Cucina naturale e benessere, a contatto con la natura e immersi nelle tradizioni. Agriturismo Ferdy è una vacanza nella natura, una lezione di equitazione o la semplice riscoperta della cucina tradizionale di montagna. Ferdy Wild è la nostra linea di prodotti naturali: una selezione delle più genuine espressioni della natura che ci circonda. Scopri i prodotti Ferdy Wild nella nostra Boutique Mercatorum o sul nostro Shop online.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

The family-run F.lli Buonannata farm grows, works and ships Sicilian citrus fruits to Italy and, on request, also abroad. In this part of Sicily, in the province of Syracuse, the smell of lemons and oranges pervades the entire farm making these unique jewels their strong point for the flavor. The passion for agriculture and dedication to a work handed down from generation to generation makes the agricultural work in the F.lli Buonannata farm the true leitmotif of every single part committed to the cultivation of the vast fields belonging to the farmers family working in the province of Syracuse. A loving effort conducted under the warm sun of Sicily is what carries out this business reality, rising in the fertile valley of the Anapo and turning out to be a goodness production center. The recognized value for lemons and oranges of the family-run Fratelli Buonannata Farm is confirmed by the possibility of making numerous recipes inspired by the authenticity of these products in accordance with the principles of seasonality, sustainability, and quality.

 A /  Greater Europe

Aigle Castle is a castle in the municipality of Aigle of the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland. It is a Swiss heritage site of national significance. The Barons of Aigle were first mentioned in 1179. At that time they had a small fortification, that became the center of the modern castle, along the road over the Col du Pillon and Col des Mosses passes of the Rhone. However, only traces of this first castle have been archaeologically discovered. Some time before 1200, the Barons of Aigle ended up as vassals of the powerful Counts of Savoy. In 1232, Count Thomas of Savoy granted Aigle as a fief to the brothers Jacob and Peter of Saillon in exchange for their ancestral castle in Valais. The Saillon family seems to have been closely related with the barons of Aigle. In the second half of the 13th Century, Aigle expanded and received a city charter. The castle was rebuilt, with a fortified donjon and a curtain wall. In the 14th Century, the Lords of Compey inherited the rights of the Saillon family. They were also vassals of the Counts of Savoy and made Aigle into their headquarters. They added turrets and in 1450 built a massive tower in the south corner. This tower was an example of late French Donjon architecture.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

I am a God fearing individual, and I’m also a father to two beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. I worked for Tekkie Town as a Sales Assistant and I was chosen as the best Sales person for the entire Mpumalanga province. I also worked for the Department of agriculture as a Data capture. I have a passion for sports, football is one of my favourites and one day I wish I can own a soccer team. While I was in high school, I always wanted to be a lawyer but due to financial constraints I could not become one. My interest in the justice system came when I realised that the late former president Mr Nelson Mandela was also a lawyer representing his people. I wish one day I could give back to my community and its people because my community gave us the likes of the late Steve Bantu Biko, one of the BCM Members who fought for the people of South Africa. My community is one of the underdeveloped communities of this country, but I know that one day all of this will change because I know that with education anything is possible. When a child is educated communities will change for the better and if one community changes, then our country will change for the better as well and poverty will be no more. Education topped with one’s perseverance is the key to a bright future for all. With this pandemic people have lost their jobs and in some households you find that no one is working and people resort to drugs and alcohol, some get depressed to a point of taking their own lives. If we can start developing jobs for people, our continent would become a better place for us all. Being part of an initiative that supports the empowerment of those less privileged is one of my greatest wishes. I will be glad if all my wishes do come through because nothing is as important as education and hard work, and an educated country means a better world for us all.

 Listings /  Africa

To be dressed by Alberta Florence is to take a stroll in Rome between the Via Veneto and the Piazza del Popolo in the perfume of a late afternoon in June, losing oneself in an art gallery, a cinema set, a bookshop, or in a poem. Wearing the clothes of the Atelier means realizing the dream of owning a unique object; Alberta Florence is a breath of classical originality in a world that changes, but that never compromises on style. The Atelier, established in 2014, finds its inspiration in the Italy of the 1950s and 60s, a period infused with ferment and magic, and in the soft lines and brilliant colors of the Tuscan landscape. A Bel Paese where nature's verdant profusion of olive groves, woods and luxuriant gardens became the framework for a cultural renaissance in which intense friendships gave birth to artistic movements. Novels such as The Garden of the Finzi Contini and the writings of Natalia Ginzburg and Truman Capote are further seminal influences on the ethos of Alberta Florence, which also derives creative impulse from beautiful and courageous women, the likes of Peggy Guggenheim and Paola Bucarelli, and from legendary painters with powerful personalities such as De Chirico and Guttuso. References to the cinema of the dreamlike visionary Federico Fellini are ever present. The way in which the clothes are cut represents the synthesis of the philosophy and style of Giulia Mondolfi, the heart and soul of the Atelier. Alberta Florence does not follow fashion, but is rather classically contemporary, the constant references to a past elegance always reinterpreted with a modern twist. What emerges is clothing of extreme formal simplicity which is at the same time distinctive, timeless. Giulia adores collecting fabrics which she considers real works of art in their own right, and which she sources mainly in Florence, but also during her travels to Rome, Bologna, Milan and Paris. It is indeed the fabric itself that gives form to her clothes, the prints, colors and patterns of the materials providing her inspiration. Each piece of the collection is unique because it is created from a limited quantity of fabric, and is expertly tailored by hand in Florence. The result is a perfect coming together of fashion, design and skilled craftsmanship. The Atelier Alberta Florence believes strongly in sustainable development, and for this reason has entrusted part of its production to a social cooperative which provides work for disadvantaged young people.

 A /  Greater Europe

Alberto Angela è un giovane paleontologo, divulgatore scientifico, conduttore televisivo, giornalista e scrittore italiano, figlio di Piero Angela lo scienziato che per primo ha usato il mezzo televisivo per portare la Scienza nelle case di tutti con acuta intelligenza. Alberto, che è nato e cresciuto a Parigi, ha seguito le orme del padre. Specializzandosi in paleontologia, branca delle scienze naturali che studia gli esseri viventi vissuti nel passato geologico e i loro ambienti di vita sulla Terra. Anche lui si è dedicato, fin da giovane, alla divulgazione scientifica in televisione. Alberto Angela ci accompagna in un viaggio alla scoperta delle "Meraviglie" italiane, quelle che ci rendono una vera e propria "penisola dei tesori". Un itinerario fra arte e bellezze naturali nei siti riconosciuti dall'Unesco come patrimonio dell'umanità. Da parecchi anni attraverso il suo programma Ulisse con maestria, conoscenza scientifica e con l'uso d'immagini che dipingono quadri reali porta alle famiglie temi scientifici e artistici importanti e anche difficili. Alberto Angela is a young paleontologist, scientific popularizer, television host, journalist and Italian writer, son of Piero Angela, the scientist who was the first to use the television medium to bring science into everyone's homes with acute intelligence. Alberto, who was born and raised in Paris, followed in his father's footsteps. Specializing in paleontology, a branch of natural science that studies living beings who lived in the geological past and their living environments on Earth. From an early age, he too has dedicated himself to scientific dissemination on television. Alberto Angela takes us on a journey to discover the Italian "Wonders", the ones that make us a real "treasure peninsula". An itinerary between art and natural beauty in the sites recognized by Unesco as a world heritage site. For several years, through his program, Ulysses has brought important and even difficult scientific and artistic themes to families with mastery, scientific knowledge and the use of images that paint real pictures.

 A /  Greater Europe

Alert is considered to be the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world, and it is located in the vast Qikiqtaaluk Region which is part of the newest, largest, and northernmost territory of Canada, Nunavut. Located more precisely on the northern tip of Ellesmere Island, the settlement was named in 1875 after the first ship to reach the north end of the island, the British HMS Alert, although some would also say that people should always be “alerted” when coming this close to the North Pole. Since there are some inhabitants, five of them are considered to be a permanent ones while the rest are temporary where their numbers always vary more or less than 60 locals, in addition to the employees of the military signals intelligence radio receiving facility, the weather station, the Global Atmosphere Watch laboratory, and the airport. Throughout the year, Alert is five months under constant darkness, while other five under constant sun. The time in between these months is filled with sun bobs above and below the horizon, giving the illusion of normal days, even though the length of daylight and darkness varies. Still, as it appears that nothing would survive in these freezing horrific conditions, impressively there is a fauna which thrives in the entire area, and it includes musk oxen, Arctic hares, foxes, caribou, birds, and wolves. On another hand, the flora is simply limited to simple plants that are only flourishing during the months of July and August, as at this time the temperatures are at their highest, and then the plants are able to survive over the winter period. Nowadays, the settlement of Alert does not have some significant importance as it had during the Cold War, at which time it was considered to be strategically located as it is closer to Moscow than Canada’s capital, and as it was thought that the former Soviet Union could “invade” and claim the northern part of the country, the existence of the settlement was just. With the budget cuts and the end of the Cold War, today Alert enjoys a smaller spectrum of attention, even though there are some visitors who are coming to claim that they have visited the planet’s northernmost and one of the most isolated places where they have been. A true cold gem, tucked away in the white wonderland of Nunavut, Canada.

 Listings /  North America

Alessandra Bruno, pittrice acquerellista e artista poliedrica, abita e lavora in Porta Venezia, nella zona Liberty di Milano. Quello di Alessandra Bruno è un cammino empatico fra arte e vita sul filo della trasparenza luminosa. Lungo questo equilibrismo appare un misterioso "Paesaggio sonoro", dove lo studio naturalistico di una partitura musicale restituisce emozioni di suono e colore. Luce, quindi, che oscilla fra le note, soffia nel vetro, annega nel mare, rinasce in un seme. La nota acquerellista, diplomata in Inghilterra all'Accademia di Belle Arti, dal 2003 collabora regolarmente con l'Istituto Europeo di Design di Milano come docente di colore per i corsi Modalab. Oltre ad aver esposto in Italia e in Francia, collabora a progetti di insegnamento pittorico e recupero interiore in italiano, inglese francese. Inoltre, realizza acquerelli su commissione per privati e enti pubblici. La sua attività, intrapresa e vissuta con la naturalezza e la serenità di chi sa che è quello che deve fare, è anche filosofia di vita. L’acquerello è appunto una tecnica che si offre sia ad una visione tradizionale, sia ad un utilizzo informale e modernissimo. Dunque strumento perfetto per la ricerca di Alessandra sulla luce che diventa materia. Per lo zen delle cose. Per la bellezza della bellezza. Alessandra Bruno, watercolor painter and multifaceted artist, lives and works in Porta Venezia, the Liberty area of Milan. Alessandra Bruno's is an empathic journey between art and life on the thread of luminous transparency. Along this balancing act a mysterious "Soundscape" appears, where the naturalistic study of a musical score returns emotions of sound and color. Light, therefore, which oscillates between the notes, blows into the glass, drowns in the sea, is reborn in a seed. The well-known watercolorist, graduated in England from the Academy of Fine Arts, has been collaborating regularly with the European Institute of Design in Milan since 2003 as a teacher of color for Modalab courses. In addition to having exhibited in Italy and France, she collaborates in painting teaching and interior recovery projects in Italian, English and French. In addition, she creates watercolors on commission for private and public bodies. Her activity, undertaken and lived with the naturalness and serenity of one who knows that is what he has to do, is also a philosophy of life. Watercolor is precisely a technique that offers itself both to a traditional vision and to an informal and very modern use. Therefore the perfect tool for Alessandra's research on light that becomes matter. For the zen of things. For the beauty of beauty.

 A /  Greater Europe

Se avete un mobile in cantina che non vi piace più o che sa di vecchio, potete fralo rinascere nelle mani capaci di Alessandra Elia. Terra d'Ombra è il nome della sua attività di decoratrice e restauratrice pittorica. Spinta dall'ineusaribile passione per il suo lavoro, negli anni si è spinta su territori sempre nuovi, imparando e sperimentando con sapienti artigiani. Oggi organizza anche corsi per trasmettere la sua specialità e condividere crendo squadre capaci di affrontare anche lavori importanti. If you have a piece of furniture in your cellar that you no longer like or that smells old, you can reborn it in the capable hands of Alessandra Elia. Terra d'Ombra is the name of her activity as a decorator and pictorial restorer. Driven by her inexhaustible passion for her work, over the years she has ventured into ever new territories, learning and experimenting with skilled craftsmen. Today she also organizes courses to convey her specialty and share by creating teams capable of tackling even important jobs.

 A /  Greater Europe

Alessio Sorrentino and his son Vincenzo create small works of art engraving corals, cameos, turquoise and precious shells. A real art, where the hands are guided by the original shape of the raw material, from which delicate and particular works arise. An ancient and unique work, handed down from father to son, a work of patience, dexterity, where the hands of Alessio and Vincenzo join the mind of Silvia and give the public objects of extraordinary beauty.

 A /  Greater Europe

Alex Polizzi is an English television personality, hotelier, and businesswoman. Since 2008, she has appeared on the British television series The Hotel Inspector on Channel 5. In 2014, Alex launched a new Channel 5 series, Alex Polizzi's Secret Italy, where she visits either lesser-known places within Italy or well-known towns and cities and, using local connections, shows areas that tourists would not ordinarily experience. From 2018, she invited, the resAlex Polizzitaurateur Oliver Peyton, to join her in a new Channel 5 series Peyton And Polizzi’s Restaurant Rescue. Her contagious smile carries you through her videos into a beautiful unknown experience oh heritage and handcrafts skills. She discovers heritage to be saved for the future generations.

 A, Listings /  Greater Europe

Alison Woolley started her career as an apprentice in a traditional Florentine ‘bottega’ decorating furniture in the Renaissance style. Over the years she specialized work blossomed into expertise in creating luxuriously decorated surfaces of many kinds, from interior murals to fabric and stencil design. Today, you can see the artist's refined and meticulous hand on works such as two hand-painted harpsichords for the Opera of Versailles and designs for Salvatore Ferragamo. Alison is a professional artist and decorator specialized in Italian painted furniture, owner of, a painting and decoration studio in Florence Italy. Alison graduated with honours after winning two scholarships from the Ontario College of Art and Design in Canada. She moved to Florence and worked for more than 15 years under the guidance of Florentine master artisans before opening her own bottega in Via San Bartolo a Cintoia 97. Her bottega produces fine furniture finishes and decorative art for the interior design industry worldwide. 'I came as a student in 1987 to Florence and was captured by the special beauty of this city and the Florentine people. The atmosphere inside a true old style Florentine bottega is something rare that I view as a gift that was given to me, and that I would like to share. These artisans taught me a way of working, a set of skills, and an appreciation for fine European antiques and decorative work that remains the basis of my daily work.' Alison’s work has been exhibited in various international decorative design shows:

 A /  Greater Europe

Alnwick Castle has over 950 years of history to discover, and the origins of the Castle date back to the Norman period. Since 1309, its story has been intertwined with that of the Percy family, a family with a history as illustrious as the castle’s own. The second largest inhabited castle in the UK, Alnwick has served as a military outpost, a teaching college, a refuge for evacuees, a film set, and not least as a family home. Delve deeper into this extraordinary history and travel through the centuries of this living, evolving castle. In 1309, Henry Percy, great-great grandfather of Hotspur, purchased a typical Norman-style castle of motte and bailey form. In the following 40 years he and his son converted it into a mighty border fortress. They added towers and guerites around its curtain walls with a strong gatehouse at the entrance and a concealed postern gate to the rear. The gateway to the keep was strengthened with the addition of two massive octagonal towers. Stone figures were added to the tops of the battlements, as was fashionable at that time, either for ornament, or to confuse attackers. This was a medieval device that the 1st Duchess was to copy to excess in the more fanciful mid-18th century castle restoration. Early in the 16th century, the castle was assessed and written off in defensive terms as not liable to abide the force of any shot or to hold out any time if it should be assaulted. In 1567, the 7th Earl employed George Clarkson to survey the castle and his northern estates. His detailed account, together with the plans drawn by Treswell in 1608, enable us to be quite accurate about how the castle looked and what the buildings were used for during this period. Clarkson also describes the condition of the buildings, mentioning that the Ravine Tower was "so rente that it is mooche like to fall", as indeed it did later in the 17th century. Clarkson describes the corner tower in the inner bailey as having no back to it, being two storeys and only as high as the battlements, and being used for storing hay. By 1608, Treswell shows it as three storeys high with a stone back. Perhaps this reflects the creation of the Record Tower between 1567 and 1608. During the 17th century, the castle fell into disrepair, both through neglect because the Percy family was mainly resident in the south, and through damages done in wartime. The best visual evidence for the appearance of the castle at this date is a painting by Peter Hartover (fl.1674-1690), which depicts the ruinous chapel and trees growing out of the stonework. Transforming the castle from a decaying garrison fortress to a palace was conceived in a high gothick style to the designs of the architects Daniel Garrett, James Paine and Robert Adam in the 1760s. Work on the parklands carried on in tandem. Weirs were built on the River Aln to slow the water flow with the effect of enhancing the landscape and providing a reflective surface for the newly restored castle. The 4th Duke disliked the ‘fairytale gothick’ style and inconvenience of the castle created by the restoration undertaken a century previously. He employed the architect Anthony Salvin to restore a more authentic medieval border fortress appearance to the exterior. For the state apartments, however, Algernon chose the lavish style of an Italianate palazzo. Improvements were made across the castle site exploiting new technologies of the Victorian age. By the time Hugh Percy entered the dukedom in 1940, the large team of live-in domestic servants he had known as a boy was no longer in existence. This left vast areas of the castle unused and unoccupied. These provided facilities, first for the accommodation of Alnwick Teacher Training College, and then, from 1981, for St Cloud State University students from Minnesota in the United States. The Duke and his family share their home with Estates Office staff, American students from St Cloud State University residential programme and the general public. Recent years have witnessed an extensive programme of conservation, repair and refurbishment to the fabric of the building, both exterior and interior. Roof leads have been replaced; essential masonry repair and re-pointing has been undertaken, as well as conservation work and refurbishment of the interiors. Such works both preserve the castle and continue its development. Alnwick Castle contains an extraordinary and unusual survival in the 21st century of a collection and archive remaining in a property owned by the same family for over 700 years. A small professional team manages the Northumberland Collection and Archive; no public funding is received towards its conservation and preservation. Alnwick Castle most recently featured in Transformers: The Last Knight, and as the magnificent Brancaster Castle in Downton Abbey's 2015 and 2016 Christmas specials. Having already featured as Hogwarts in the first two Harry Potter films, as well as appearing in Elizabeth and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, among others, the castle is no stranger to film crews!

 Listings /  United Kingdom

I am Alonzo Van Aarde, born on 9th July 2002.I was raised in Cape Town,South Africa,I am the oldest son out of 6 children, Recently (last year 2020) I have matriculated in my home town,Mitchell’s plain I never quite had a fixed job but I have had my fair share of holiday jobs in a shoe store it was called first stop shoes in a shopping complex close to home,In my free time i would work private jobs with my father and doing shop fitting and house renovations all over Cape Town,I loved helping my father out,It was also a way for me to have extra pocket money,I also worked at a Taylor blinds company,whereby the production of blinds called Taylor blinds in Montague gardens I took part in various programs whilst at school, Namely in leadership development skills with a NPO called M.O.V.E and another called J.A.M, where I was taught to run my own business,This was done during my schooling, I have obtained certificates for these courses,These two courses was done over a period of 12 months, I was also an RCL members as well as a Prefect at my school. I am also part of a group called M.O.C(mission of Christ),I where i furthered my leadership skills but in a more spiritual sense in doing so we take part in outreach programs and preach the gospel I speak fluently English and Afrikaans,I am currently studying Japanese,because I am intrigued by it I am computer literate,Microsoft enabled as well as Linux.I am also a musician,In my spare time,I teach people to play an instrument and also to read music, I also write my own music as well as produce music, I use this skill to help many young and upcoming artists I work with an Organization called My Child Is Your Child, Creating a platform where young people can showcase their talents and make something out of themselves,I live in a rough community where children are killing children and I’ve joined this organization to make a change in a community through various forms of art My hobbies are, playing different sporting activities,going to the gym,writing music and drawing portraits.

 Listings /  Africa

The boutique Amedeo Canfora was founded in Capri in 1946 by Amedeo, who created an incredible array of sandals, in hundreds of styles and an infinity of colours. They are all handmade in genuine leather and with fabulous decorations using beading, artificial flowers, and other accessories. This said, in the late 1940’s, Capri’s economy was still based almost entirely on fishing and there were only a very few hotels on the island. Opposite to the most important of these, the historic Grand Hotel Quisisana, Amedeo Canfora decided to open a sandal shop. A modest little shop, with a workbench on which to make his sandals, walls hung with soles and costume jewelry, and shelves filled with books in which the measurements of the most important regular clients were recorded and carefully conserved. Today, Amedeo’s daughters Angela and Rita and their families continue the tradition, adding a touch of originality to every annual collection. Many celebrities have been fans of Canfora’s creations, among these the unforgettable Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. More than once, late at night, Amedeo opened the shop just for the first lady, letting her choose her favourite sandals; he made created a style exclusively for her called “K”. Other customers of international fame have been in the shop, including Grace Kelly, Princess Margareth, Princess Caroline, Soraya, Maria Callas, Oona Chaplin, Sofia Loren, Clark Gable, Humphrey Bogart, Dawn Addams, Anita Ekberg, Naomi Campbell and many others.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Amuse nasce nel 2015 come galleria d'arte e design. Il progetto nel tempo si è trasformato allargando la propria ricerca verso espressioni creative diverse. L'identità di questo luogo si forma e si trasforma attraverso questo viaggio verso un equilibrio armonico.

 Listings /  Greater Europe

Anchorage, Alaska’s largest city, is in the south-central part of the state on the Cook Inlet. It's known for its cultural sites, including the Alaska Native Heritage Center, which displays traditional crafts, stages dances, and presents replicas of dwellings from the area’s indigenous groups. The city is also a gateway to nearby wilderness areas and mountains including the Chugach, Kenai, and Talkeetna. Anchorage is the place where young spirits and adventurous souls come to play. Alaska activities including famous wildlife, spectacular mountain vistas, fascinating cultures and icy blue glaciers all await your discovery. Metropolitan luxuries mix with unrivaled natural wonders to make Anchorage an unforgettable destination.

 A, Listings /  Oceania/Antarctic

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