French photographer born in 1976, Thomas Jorion lives in Paris and travels the world to achieve his singular and timeless landscapes. Self-taught, he creates his photographs in natural light using an analog large format 4×5” camera. He captures places in ruins or abandoned, and allows us to rediscover and to imagine their past glory in a bygone era. In 2013, La Martinière editions published “Silencio”, a work that combines several of his series: Silencio, The other America, Konbini, The Quest of the soviets… From 2013 to 2016, Thomas Jorion has been focusing his photographic exploration on the former French colonies; these new series lead to a second book published by La Martinière “Vestiges of the empire” and presented on the occasion of his participation in Paris Photo. Since Thomas Jorion has taken over and developed the series “Veduta” on the Italian Palaces and Villas. This series will be presented for the first time in Paris in February 2019.
The Teatro la Fenice, is one of "the most famous and renowned landmarks in the history of Italian theatre", and in the history of opera as a whole. Especially in the 19th century, The Fenice Opera House was founded in 1792, and it was inaugurated on the 16th of May, in the day of Ascension Festivity (Fèsta de la Sènsa) in which was celebrate the Marriage of Venice with the sea. The Opera House, since its birth, tells us the history of Venice. La Fenice became the site of many famous operatic premieres at which the works of several of the four major bel canto era composers – Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, Verdi – were performed. Its name reflects its role in permitting an opera company to "rise from the ashes" despite losing the use of three theatres to fire, the first in 1774 after the city's leading house was destroyed and rebuilt but not opened until 1792; the second fire came in 1836, but rebuilding was completed within a year. However, the third fire was the result of arson. It destroyed the house in 1996 leaving only the exterior walls, but it was rebuilt and re-opened in November 2004. In order to celebrate this event the tradition of the Venice New Year's Concert started. La Fenice is the Theatre of Venice. La Fenice has resuscitated twice from the ashes. La Fenice is Venice and reflects its history and embodies its myth. Water and light, fire and air are the elements that indissolubly constitute his Majesty. La Fenice is consecrated to Apollo and in the Theatre’s blue sky the Hours dance in the middle of a grove, where the audience sits in the stalls. San Marco’s Lion, also illuminated by Apollo on the Royal Box, is Venice itself, unique and uncontested beauty in its sea of enchantment.
Trieste is a beautiful city and a seaport in northeastern Italy. It is situated towards the end of a narrow strip of Italian territory lying between the Adriatic Sea and Slovenia, which lies approximately 10–15 km (6.2–9.3 mi) south and east of the city. Croatia is some 30 km (19 mi) to the south. Trieste is located at the head of the Gulf of Trieste and throughout history, it has been influenced by its location at the crossroads of Latin, Slavic, and Germanic cultures. Trieste was one of the oldest parts of the Habsburg Monarchy, belonging to it from 1382 until 1918. In the 19th century, the monarchy was one of the Great Powers of Europe and Trieste was its most important seaport. As a prosperous seaport in the Mediterranean region, Trieste became the fourth largest city of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In the fin de siècle period at the end of the 19th century, it emerged as an important hub for literature and music. Trieste underwent an economic revival during the 1930s, and Trieste was an important spot in the struggle between the Eastern and Western blocs after the Second World War.
The Teatro Massimo Bellini is an opera house in Catania, Sicily, southern Italy. Named after the local-born composer Vincenzo Bellini, it was inaugurated on 31 May 1890 with a performance of the composer's masterwork, Norma. The creation of what was to finally become the Teatro Massimo Bellini took almost two hundred years, beginning with discussions following the disastrous 1693 earthquake which completely destroyed Catania. The construction of a public theatre was discussed, and a foundation stone was finally laid in 1812. Throughout its history, the opera house has performed almost all of Bellini's work. From its beginnings, a wide variety of operas have been performed by some highly renowned singers. In 1951, to mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of Bellini, Maria Callas sang Norma, repeating her success in 1952 and 1953. In recent years, there has been an infusion of about $2 million, leading to the celebration of the Bellini bicentennial during the 2001 season and to a major renovation of the house.
Tiramisu is a traditional sweet and food product spread throughout the Italian territory, whose origins are debated and are attributed above all to Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It is a spoon dessert made from ladyfingers (or other crumbly biscuits) soaked in coffee and covered with a cream, composed of mascarpone, eggs, and sugar, which in some variations is flavored with liqueur. Tiramisu is among the most loved desserts by Italians, the most requested by foreigners in Italy and has an unchallenged reputation in the world. The Accademia ofTiramisù is a cultural and food and wine association, inspired by the principles of historical, cultural and gastronomic information. Its aim is to disseminate the true geographic origins and the authentic ingredients for the traditional recipe.
Le radici della famiglia Bevilacqua nel mondo della tessitura affondano nel 1499. In quest’anno, infatti, Giovanni Mansueti ha dipinto San Marco trascinato nella sinagoga, segnalando in un cartiglio i nomi dei committenti: tra questi appare un certo “Giacomo Bevilacqua Tessitore”. La Tessitura è stata poi fondata da Luigi Bevilacqua nel 1875, che ha recuperato telai e macchinari anticamente usati dalla Scuola della Seta della Serenissima. L’azienda continua quindi un’antica arte di Venezia, decaduta nel Settecento e rinata nell’Ottocento, combinando tecniche e disegni storici con un tocco di modernità. Vengono prodotti broccati, il velluto soprarizzo, il lampasso chhanno uso nell'arredamento e nell'alta moda.
Tel Aviv, an amazing city on Israel’s Mediterranean coast, is marked by stark 1930s Bauhaus buildings, thousands of which are clustered in the White City architectural area, and became designated a UNESCO world heritage site. The city was founded in 1909 by the Jewish residents as a modern housing estate on the outskirts of the ancient port city of Jaffa, then part of the Jerusalem province of Ottoman Syria. Museums include Beit Hatfutsot, whose multimedia exhibits illustrate the history of Jewish communities worldwide. The Eretz Israel Museum covers the country’s archaeology, folklore, and crafts, and features an on-site excavation of 12th-century-B.C. ruins.
The thread of the history of Toppino Camini is the pursuit of excellence, which we pursue daily with care and perseverance. Always against the current, Toppino anticipates the times to offer its customers tailored solutions, in compliance with the highest quality standards. In 1930 the family laboratory specializes in the construction of grained products.