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My Bio will tell you about my past and present. The past is important but nothing is more important as the present ME! The Beautiful and strong ME! The ME that makes the people who know and love me happy to be in my presence, the present me is what matters. My values and morals and my way of thinking are what is important, the past was just the "making of", the preview one see's of movies and series, the past is an ancient scroll where most of my life is narrated by my parents, teachers, siblings and the other significant people who come and go from one's life, My present is the true picture of what I am and who I am so let me give you insight into who I am: I am a straight talker yet I am loving and a helpful person who is always willing to learn new things, I follow rules only when it makes sense and is fair. I was born to a mixed-race couple in the "old South Africa (during apartheid)" while the political climate was unstable and in its rebirth stage, my mixed-race background has made me culturally rich. ancestrally I come from a diverse lineage, I have a Scottish and Irish father, a mother with little french a little Indian (Afghan and Pakistani), I have a little of everything, which has made me the odd one out as I look different from the rest of my family, I do not fit in with the brown people, I do not fit in with the white people and there is nothing wrong with that I do not need to be labeled to feel like I belong, I am one of the reasons why our country is known as the rainbow nation a mix and mashed beautiful product of all that is good. my personality and likes have made me the odd one out and the weird one, luckily my husband is just as weird as I am, I always tell him my weird matches his weird, it makes us a perfect match, we were made for each other destined to be together almost as if it was written in the stars, a destiny fulfilled with a happy future in the ahead of us. happy and together forever and always, I still find it hard to believe that there is someone out there who not only gets me, who understands me, my way of thinking, and the way I view the world but most importantly who LOVE'S ME for ME! I consider myself spiritual and not religious although I was raised catholic and attended a convent where a lot of who I am today was made. The making of ME! The sisters of mercy and catholicism had the opposite of the intended effect on me I am not deeply rooted in the catholic faith, even though I had many lovable and amazing teachers and friends who made my school days worthwhile. religion does not make sense to me and I consider much of it to be untrue, designed and shaped to manipulate and to rule the masses or one could say those who prefer not to think for themselves who would rather be sheep and led to the slaughterhouse willingly. My philosophy is this: as long as I love myself and my neighbor I believe Im living the right way and try to instill those principles and values in my two sons. I believe that knowing and giving Love encompasses all the values needed to live a healthy life, Love naturally breeds, respect, forgiveness, and mindfulness. Love means living from the heart when one lives from the heart it naturally voids the ego, the ego destroys the manically malevolent whereas the heart creates and builds, Love is a tool with which one can build a life rich in emotional health, enlightenment, and mental stability. Love is my church, love is my essence and if ever I am in doubt I read up on the writings left to us by all the great masters, Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha the Dalai lama and so many more masters, some of whom are more modern and still living and basically all their writings convey the message of Love. So this me and there is more to me than what is written here, but what is written here is more than enough to get to know me better.

 S /  Africa

Senini is the leading Italian company in the production of blocks, floors and curbs. The company invests in research to help improve the quality of life and to build an "eco-environment": houses, squares, streets and gardens where respect and care for the environment predominates, where attention to the well-being of people and the care of beauty are Heritage of all. Environments not only beautiful but also "healthy". Maximum transparency and maximum reliability: All Senini production uses only natural raw materials. Enriched with a new line of products for the bio-building sector senini Tecnohemp produces the block in hemp and Lime. A choice in step with the times, consistent with the strategy of the company for many years engaged in the production of innovative materials, eco-sustainable and low environmental impact. The houses of the future will increasingly be built with natural materials: a growing trend that contributes to preserving the environment and ensuring a better quality of life for all.

 S /  Greater Europe

Slow Food is an organization that promotes local food and traditional cooking. It was founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy in 1986 and has since spread worldwide to prevent the disappearance of local food cultures and traditions, counteract the rise of fast life and combat people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from and how our food choices affect the world around us. Since its beginnings at Boccon di Vino a Typical Italian Trattoria, Slow Food has grown into a global movement involving millions of people in over 160 countries, working to ensure everyone has access to good, clean and fair food. Slow Food believes food is tied to many other aspects of life, including culture, politics, agriculture and the environment. Through our food choices, we can collectively influence how food is cultivated, produced and distributed, and change the world as a result.

 S /  Greater Europe

Antonio Stradivari è il liutaio più conosciuto al mondo, italiano, menzionato anche con il nominativo in lingua latina Antonius Stradivarius. È stato un costruttore di strumenti a corde di straordinaria fattura come violini, sin dall'inizio aveva modificato i modelli del suo maestro, intervenendo sulle bombature, la forma, le "f" e gli spessori. Probabilmente, fu proprio lui a compiere i primi studi sulla modifica dell'inclinazione del manico. Fino ad allora il manico era semplicemente appoggiato alle fasce e fissato con tre chiodi (metodo barocco), ma questi strumenti si potevano apprezzare solo in piccoli ambienti. Con l'avvento della musica moderna, che veniva eseguita nei teatri, fu deciso di dar maggiore tensione alle corde per avere più potenza di suono. Da qui la necessità di inclinare maggiormente il manico all'indietro e di eseguire l'"incastro", cioè incastrare e incollare all'interno dello zocchetto una parte del manico in modo che potesse resistere alla tensione creata. Fu poi necessario allungare la catena ed anche la tastiera in modo da poter accedere alle posizioni più alte e sostituendo quest'ultima con un legno più resistente: l'ebano. Era nato il violino moderno! Nacquero così i Grandi Stradivari, le sue migliori opere furono costruite tra il 1698 ed il 1725. Raggiunse l'apice tra il 1725 ed il 1730. Dopo il 1730 molti strumenti portano la scritta nell'etichetta "Sub disciplina Stradivarii", probabilmente perché costruiti dai suoi figli. Oltre a violini, viole e violoncelli, Stradivari creò anch arpe, chitarre, liuti e tiorbe; si stima in tutto oltre 1100 strumenti musicali.iole, violoncelli, chitarre, arpe; in quest'ambito è universalmente riconosciuto come uno dei migliori.

 S /  Greater Europe

Lo squero di San Trovaso sorge lungo il rio omonimo e risale a prima del Seicento. Squero è il tipico cantiere veneziano dove si creano, costruiscono e riparano le imbarcazioni di dimensioni contenute come gondole, pupparini, sandoli, sciopòni e altre barche tipiche della tradizione lagunare veneziana. Il termine squero deriva dalla parola "squara" che indica una squadra di persone che cooperano per costruire le imbarcazioni. È uno dei pochissimi squeri ancora in funzione a Venezia. L'edificio che lo ospita ha la forma tipica delle case di montagna, circostanza eccezionale per Venezia. Il motivo è duplice: da una parte tanto i carpentieri quanto il legname da costruzione provenivano dal Cadore, dall'altra l'inclinazione del piazzale antestante e la tettoia che in parte lo ricopre erano utili in caso di pioggia, oltre che come deposito per gli strumenti di lavoro.

 S /  Greater Europe

Sara Ferrara Carello spent most of her childhood in Turin. Very young, she married Massimo Carello and moved to London's Chelsea. She is mother of three successful boys and has always been very active with important charities and patronages. She especially sustains woman all around the world leaving in countries dealing with wars. Also made a difference in the prevention of breast cancer in the UK guiding to introduce a law to receive free tests. As a very successful Italian woman both in the UK and in Italy, she received the honour of becoming Ufficiale Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana.

 S /  Greater Europe

Santino and his brother Giuliano are sons of art, their father a master of lime and construction work in the surroundings of Rome. Today their company Sa.Gi. performs renovations in the center of Rome and in the surrounding countryside on historic buildings. The care and passion of their interventions and the installers they use, denote a rare precision and attention in achieving the design results. The results are long-lasting and aesthetically of the highest quality.

 S /  Greater Europe

At Sacred Nature, we specialise in high-quality, intimate tours where we delve into the most remarkable medicinal plant sanctuaries on earth. From tropical rainforests, high and wild mountains, to the poetic and rich landscapes of Provence, you will have an authentic experience connecting with mystical cultures who maintain a deep connection with nature and spirit alike and who still possess ancient wisdom that so many have forgotten. More than a tour, what we offer are sacred journeys, where you will not only discover the healing power of medicinal herbs, ancient healing practices, and different cultural traditions but rediscover your own sacred nature. We are sure you will live a transformative and authentic adventure where you will deepen your connection with nature and with yourself. Sacred Nature was founded by Alicia and Guillaume. Both sharing a deep passion for travel, nature and natural ways of living, they discovered the healing world of plants. Enthused and amazed by how powerful Nature’s ability to heal is, they decided to quit the rat race and make their passions their daily reality.

 S /  Greater Europe

Lo studio santagiuliaDesign dell' Arch. Carlo Nonnis progetta e realizza arredi per interni su commissione. Attraverso contaminazioni tra vecchio e nuovo, offre la possibilità a chi lo desideri, di rendere unico ed originale un elemento d'arredo in proprio possesso. Il mobile vecchio o malandato, da disegno superato o più semplicemente inadatto all'ambiente circostante, viene elaborato nella forma, colore ed impiego abituale. Il processo di trasformazione a volte radicale, mira alla creazione di un oggetto nuovo ed inaspettato, verso forme insolite e volumi insospettabili.

 S /  Greater Europe

Susan Kleinberg is a New York-based artist. Her latest video installation piece, HELIX, derived from her work with the scientific team of the Louvre in April 2018, premiered in at the Museo Internazionale delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino in Palermo, Italy on June 2018, coinciding with Manifesta 2018 in Palermo. Susan works for a better world. She spoke with a wide range of people, primarily the least visible in our society, about what would make for a better world. The still photographs, which I took afterwards, were linked to the audio on a DVD. The densely colored DVD runs on plasma screens mounted on the walls. Hanging from the ceiling were painted Chinese fans with the photographs of the participants embedded into them. Visitors fanned themselves in the warm Turkish breeze, as they watched and listened.

 S /  North America

The complex of Santa Maria Novella, one of the most beautiful and famous art treasures in Florence, by its nature is either a religious and a museum site. It has currently a new form that seeks to harmonize both the functions. Basilica of Santa Maria Novella was founded by the monks of Dominican Order in the first half of the thirteenth century, becoming one of the most important points of religious and artistic interest in Italy. The celebrity of Santa Maria Novella during the Middle Ages and Renaissance period attracted important artists such as Giotto, Brunelleschi, Masaccio, Michelangelo, Ghirlandaio, Botticelli and Vasari (just name a few), who realized beautiful artworks inside the complex. This particular artistic and religious fortune bound forever the place to its artwork.

 S /  Greater Europe

Paola Abraini regina e custode de su Filindeu, i fili di Dio, la pasta che nessuno sa imitare. Paola, 65 anni, nuorese, ha imparato a fare su Filindeu dalla suocera all’età di 16 anni. Da allora ha insegnato questa nobile arte alle figlie e ai parenti e attualmente sono solo dieci le persone al mondo capaci di fare questo tipo di pasta. Lei è ormai famosa grazie alla Bbc, alla Cnn, e ai tanti chef come Jamie Oliver e altre importanti celebrità che vanno a trovarla per imparare a fare questa specialità. Nessuno di loro però è mai riuscito a creare su Filindeu come fa lei. Signora Paola lo vende ad alcuni ristoranti di Nuoro e dintorni. Paola Abraini queen and custodian de su Filindeu, the threads of God, the pasta that nobody knows how to imitate. Paola, 65, from Nuoro, learned to do on Filindeu by her mother-in-law at the age of 16. Since then she has taught this noble art to her daughters and relatives and currently there are only ten people in the world capable of making this type of pasta. She is now famous thanks to the BBC, the CNN, and the many chefs like Jamie Oliver and other important celebrities who visit her to learn how to do this specialty. However, none of them has ever managed to create on Filindeu as she does. Signora Paola sells it to some restaurants in Nuoro and surroundings.

 S /  Greater Europe

Simona Lauro, restauratrice di opere d’arte su tela e su tavola, opere d’arte contemporanea e manufatti policromi. Entra nel mondo della conservazione nel 1990 lavorando presso prestigiosi laboratori milanesi, nel 1998 si trasferisce a Novara dove apre il suo studio e vive attualmente. Lavora regolarmente per le Diocesi del Piemonte, su dipinti, pale d’altare e manufatti lignei e collabora da diversi anni con diverse Case D’asta e collezionisti privati in particolare su opere d’arte moderna e contemporanea. Ultimamente ha iniziato una collaborazione con il Museo d’arte Moderna e contemporanea di Trento e Rovereto, prendendosi cura di alcune opere della collezione VAF STIFTUNG.

 S /  Greater Europe

Rosenfeld sponge processing Ltd. has been in the business for more than 100 years. In Trieste, the opening of Rosenfeld Ltd. was possible because of the hard work of David Rosenfeld in 1896. The city was under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Franz Joseph I. To date it is the oldest Sponge Processing Company in Europe. The family, which for four generations continues to run the company, has made the processing of sea sponge a point of excellence: the family knows the secrets, the particularities and the waters where there are the best specimens. Rosenfeld Ltd sponges come from the waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic sea. They are s processed in the sponge processing plant in Trieste and exported worldwide. The purification and washing treatment, necessary to remove the impurities and organic calcareous substances from the sponge. It is done using traditional methods. The final inspections ensure the correct PH balance of the product. The shaping is the last part of the process, strictly done by hand to improve the shape and appearance of the sponge. Rosenfeld sponges are especially requested in the field of cosmetics and wellness by both Italian and foreign clients: Pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers of cosmetic lines and distributors of children's items, market their products under their own "private label" or using the Rosenfeld brand. Also the ceramic industry, footwear and paint industry make huge requests. Rosenfeld Ltd. support and finance research for sponge culture in the Adriatic Sea and in the seas of the Bahamas in collaboration with the University of Trieste and the Cape Eleuthera Institute in the Bahamas.

 S /  Greater Europe

La Scala is an opera house in Milan, Italy. The theatre was inaugurated on 3 August 1778 and was originally known as the Nuovo Regio Ducale Teatro alla Scala (New Royal-Ducal Theatre alla Scala). The premiere performance was Antonio Salieri's Europa. Most of Italy's greatest operatic artists, and many of the finest singers from around the world, have appeared at La Scala. The theatre is regarded as one of the leading opera and ballet theatres in the world and is home to the La Scala Theatre Chorus, La Scala Theatre Ballet and La Scala Theatre Orchestra. The theatre also has an associate school, known as the La Scala Theatre Academy (Italian: Accademia Teatro alla Scala), which offers professional training for music, dance, stage craft, and stage management. La Scala's season opens on 7 December, Saint Ambrose's Day, the feast day of Milan's patron saint. All performances must end before midnight, and long operas start earlier in the evening when necessary. Amazing original dresses worn by soprano Maria Callas in various ehxibitions, are held at Teatro La Scala.

 S /  Greater Europe

The Buglioni studio is a space of various professionals, highly technological, in the center of Turin. An innovative study that brings together different and interesting professionals with a very powerful free wifi connection, open to the city. Cristina Buglioni di Monale, a young high-profile civil lawyer, brought together two colleagues in the office, a criminal lawyer and a labor lawyer, an accountant, a computer enthusiast, and an interior designer. Harmony reigns and is contagious, as well as non-traditional but forward-looking communication.

 S /  Greater Europe

Mi chiamo Emanuele Pace, sono il Direttore dell’Osservatorio Polifunzionale del Chianti gestito dall’Università di Firenze e sono anche padre di tre bellissimi figli. Ho un sogno: vedere i miei figli realizzati in una vita di successo. Ho anche un desiderio: offrire una simile opportunità a tutti i giovani. Oltre a tutte le attività proposte, abbiamo avviato il progetto Spacelab per mettere i ragazzi in contatto con gli astronauti, seguiranno i loro stessi esperimenti e impareranno tantissimo. Puoi contribuire se pensi che il futuro possa essere migliore!

 S /  Greater Europe

Singapore, an island city-state off southern Malaysia, is a global financial center with a tropical climate and multicultural population. Its colonial core centers on the Padang, a cricket field since the 1830s and now flanked by grand buildings such as City Hall, with its 18 Corinthian columns. In Singapore's Chinatown stands the red-and-gold Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, said to house one of Buddha's teeth. Singapore is much more than the sum of its numerous attractions. It’s constantly evolving, reinventing, and reimagining itself, with people who are passionate about creating new possibilities. It’s where foodies, explorers, collectors, action seekers, culture shapers, and socialisers meet―and new experiences are created every day.

 S /  Asia

Seattle is a seaport city on the West Coast of the United States. It is the seat of King County, Washington, a city on Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest, is surrounded by water, mountains and evergreen forests, and contains thousands of acres of parkland. Washington State’s largest city, it’s home to a large tech industry, with Microsoft and Amazon headquartered in its metropolitan area. The futuristic Space Needle, a 1962 World’s Fair legacy, is its most iconic landmark.

 S /  North America

San Francisco, in northern California, is a hilltop town located at the tip of a peninsula surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay. In addition to the perennial fog, it is also famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, trams and Victorian houses with a thousand colors. The Transamerica Pyramid, in the financial district, is the most famous skyscraper in the city. Frisco is home to a little bit of everything. Whether you're a first time visitor or a long-time local, San Francisco's Golden Gates welcome all

 S /  North America

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