Ressource est issue d'une longue tradition de fabrication de peinture puisque la marque ... de la Société Provençale du Blanc Fixe Ocres, et Couleurs, créée en 1946 pour exploiter les carrières d'ocres de Roussillon (1984). Ressource peut ainsi se prévaloir d'une très ancienne maîtrise de la couleur et de la peinture. The roots of the company explain its great expertise in mineral pigments as well as its sensitivity to environmental issues, long before modern regulations were implemented. Ressource has been a sustainable company since the 90s. We are a family-run company, which produces and sells its products mainly for the domestic market and as such, we feel highly committed to the environment. Our awareness in this regard has a direct impact on our vision and our development which involves making responsible choices and acting responsibly for the well-being of our staff and customers and ultimately taking care of the planet today for future generatio
The Royal Palace of Caserta is a former royal residence in Caserta, southern Italy, constructed by the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies as their main residence as kings of Naples. It is one of the largest palaces erected in Europe during the 18th century. In 1997, the palace was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site; its nomination described it as "the swan song of the spectacular art of the Baroque, from which it adopted all the features needed to create the illusions of multidirectional space". In terms of volume, the Royal Palace of Caserta is one of the largest royal residences in the world with over 1 million m³ and covering an area of 47,000 m². The construction of the palace was begun in 1752 for Charles VII of Naples (Charles III of Spain), who worked closely with his architect, Luigi Vanvitelli. The palace has 5 floors, 1,200 rooms, including two dozen state apartments, a large library, and a theatre modelled after the Teatro San Carlo of Naples. The garden, a typical example of baroque extension of formal vistas, stretches for 120 ha, partly on hilly terrain. It is also inspired by the park of Versailles.
Raffaello Sanzio ( Urbino, 28 March 1483 - Rome, 6 April 1520 ) was a painter and architect Italian, among the most famous of the Renaissance. Considered one of the greatest artists of all time, his work marked an essential path for all subsequent painters and was of vital importance for the development of the artistic language of the centuries to come, giving life to a school that made art "in its own way" and that goes by the name of mannerism . A fundamental model for all the academies until the first half of the nineteenth century, its influence can also be seen in 20th century painters such as Salvador Dalí. His major paintings are in the Uffizi Museum in Florence.
Casa Badellino, a hotel with a traditional restaurant, is situated in the old heart of Bra, a small town at the foot of the Langa and Roero hills in Piedmont, in northwest Italy. Whether you come for tourism or for business, it’s an ideal setting for a pleasant stay. Casa Badellino awaits you with all the charm of a place that has conserved the architectural style of the local tradition, where time has stood still and the pleasures of the Italian way of life survive intact. A converted townhouse with a traditional courtyard balcony, Casa Badellino welcomes you with all mod cons and exclusive services in the warm and cozy atmosphere Giacomo and Marilena have managed to preserve in the heart of a Slow City, par excellence.
Reale Restauri, azienda specializzata nel restauro di lampadari di piccole medie e grandi dimensioni, dai lampadari muranesi rezzonici ai lampadari Maria Teresa a quelli in bronzo dorato e non, einsomma tutto quello che fa luce da noi trova il punto qualifificato per riprendere lo splendore originale senza perdere il fascino del tempo passato, il tutto trattato con passione e profesionalità unica nel suo genere, da noi si sono appoggiati enti statali grand'hotel prestigiosi. Uno staff esperto e professionale, guidato dal “capomastro” Francesco è a vostra completa disposizione per visionare e studiare quale soluzione sia la più adeguata alle numerose problematiche possibili, consci del fatto che un restauro improvvisato, eseguito da mani inesperte, può causare danni irreversibili sia per la sicurezza dell’apparecchio che per la conservazione estetica e materiale dell’opera. La nostra missione è di preservare al meglio non solo il valore funzionale dell’opera, ma anche il suo valore storico, artistico e testimoniale. Restaurare un lampadario antico è un arte, come ridonare luce a vecchi ricordi, per non fare scomparire la poesia di un’epoca, ma anzi, per ridonare poesia a un presente che sembra l’abbia persa.
Roberto Salomone è un professionista originario di Cuneo che ha mantenuto quei profondi valori Piemontesi che hanno l'intelligenza di guardare al futuro e adattarsi, con elasticità, al mondo in continuo cambiamento. Appassionato della Valle Maira, sito Unesco, da cui la sua famiglia trae le sue origini, usa le sue capacità imprenditoriali per creare sviluppo e lavoro per gli uomini d'affari e le giovani generazioni, con uno sguardo rivolto verso la vicina Costa Azzurra e oltre le Alpi. Il suo studio di Dottore Commercialista si trova in pieno centro città, dove da anni col socio dott. Agnese segue i clienti non solo in Piemonte ma anche in tutt'Italia e all'estero. La cura e l'attenzione che pone nel suo lavoro, fa sentire il cliente sicuro e la sua professionalità e conoscenza del settore e delle dinamiche italiane, lo rendono capace di districarsi con certezza e profonda onestà nel dedalo di leggi in continua modifica e aggiornamento, tipiche dello Stato di diritto Italiano. Roberto Salomone is a professional originally from Cuneo who has maintained those deep Piedmontese values that have the intelligence to look to the future and adapt, with elasticity, to the constantly changing world. Passionate about the Maira Valley, Unesco site, from which his family draws its origins, uses his entrepreneurial skills to create development and work for businessmen and the younger generations, with a look towards the nearby French Riviera and beyond the Alps. His firm of Chartered Accountant is located in the city center, where for years with his partner dr. Agnese follows their customers not only in Piedmont but also throughout Italy and abroad. The care and attention he places in his work, makes the customer feel safe and his professionalism and knowledge of the sector and of Italian dynamics, make him able to extricate himself with certainty and deep honesty in the maze of laws that are constantly changing and updated, typical of the Italian rule of law. (1)
Windsor Castle is a royal residence at Windsor in the English county of Berkshire. It is notable for its long association with the English and later British royal family and for its architecture. The original castle was built in the 11th century after the Norman invasion of England by William the Conqueror. The oldest and largest occupied castle in the world.
Roma caput mundi, a city of a thousand faces. Rome is the political capital of Italy, but also the center of Christianity and houses within its territory the city-state of the Vatican. The seat of the papacy, its structure today is the result of numerous urban and architectural interventions that have been stratified over the millennia. in Rome imperial is surely the best known. The splendor of antiquity revives throughout the capital: from the Colosseum to the Imperial Fora, the Domus Aurea, the Pantheon and the Circus Maximus. The capital is also a lively city that offers its visitors a multitude of cultural events and museums.
Roberto Giovannini scopre la sua grande passione per la lavorazione del legno nel quartiere artigiano di San Frediano a Firenze: tecnica, manualità ed esperienza che iniziano a prendere forma nella prestigiosa Bottega d’Arte Bartolozzi e Maioli. Nel 1958 apre il suo laboratorio che in poco tempo diventa un riferimento sia per i clienti sia per chi desidera imparare l’arte. Nasce così la scuola per formare i giovani intagliatori per far progredire le nuove idee e preservare l’antica tradizione della lavorazione ad intaglio. Creazioni uniche in legno massello.