Marco Camisani Calzolari has been involved with the Digital industry since 1994, namely, as University Contract Professor in Digital Communication & Transformation and Fake News/Propaganda, in addition to being a prominent Keynote Speaker and Writer on the subject. Originally born in Milan, Marco, a well-known media personality, now lives in London and has become a British citizen. Marco is also a Digital Advisor for important multinationals such as Henkel, Roche, Atlantia, Danieli and so forth. As a Digital book writer, he has authored several publications on Digital Strategy and he is a regular contributor to many magazines inherent to digital-related topics, as well as various national TV and Radio channels where he is a long-established name, always hosted not only for his distinct competence but also great popularity with the public.
Apicoltura Pappalaro da tre generazioni, dal 1925, in Sicilia, precisamente a Floridia, tra agrumeti di arance e limoni, produce un miele naturale profumatissimo senza aggiunta di zucchero. Nel tempo le tecniche lavorative si sono rafforzate e migliorate L’Azienda si trova nella Sicilia sud-orientale, precisamente a Floridia in provincia di Siracusa, tra gli agrumeti di arance e limoni.
Merletto vuol dire Burano, case colorate e donne che in attesa dei mariti pescatori creavano e creano, con ago e filo, piccole meraviglie. E il famoso “punto Burano” non è altro che, in piccolo, il nodo usato per costruire le reti da pesca. Nel negozio “Dalla Lidia”, l’unico che si può vantare del titolo di “storico”, si possono incontrare Paola Toselli, titolare con il figlio Davide Bressanello dell’attività, e Regina Costantini mentre realizzano merletti. Lavoro certosino tra storie, leggende di un’isola delle meraviglie. Lace means Burano, colorful houses and women who, while waiting for their fishermen's husbands, created and created small wonders with thread and needle. And the famous "punto Burano" is nothing but, in small, the node used to build fishing nets. In the "Dalla Lidia" shop, the only one that can boast of the title of "historian", you can meet Paola Toselli, owner of her business with her son Davide Bressanello, and Regina Costantini while making lace. Carthusian work among stories, legends of an island of wonders.
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni (6 March 1475 – 18 February 1564), known best as simply Michelangelo, was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet of the High Renaissance born in the Republic of Florence, who exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of Western art. Considered by many the greatest artist of his lifetime, and by some the greatest artist of all time, his artistic versatility was of such a high order that he is often considered a contender for the title of the archetypal Renaissance man, along with his rival, the fellow Florentine and client of the Medici, Leonardo da Vinci. A number of Michelangelo's works of painting, sculpture and architecture rank among the most famous in existence. He sculpted two of his best-known works, the Pietà and David, before the age of thirty. Despite holding a low opinion of painting, he also created two of the most influential frescoes in the history of Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, and The Last Judgment on its altar wall. Michelangelo was the first Western artist whose biography was published while he was alive. In his lifetime, Michelangelo was often called Il Divino.
Moscow, on the Moskva River in western Russia, is the nation’s cosmopolitan capital. In its historic core is the Kremlin, a complex that’s home to the president and tsarist treasures in the Armoury. Outside its walls is Red Square, Russia's symbolic center. It's home to Lenin’s Mausoleum, the State Historical Museum's comprehensive collection, and St. Basil’s Cathedral, known for its colorful, onion-shaped domes. The largest city in the country and Europe, and one of the largest cities in the world. Moscow refers to global cities having a great influence on the world because of its high economic level and population. It is the main transport hub of Russia, its political, economic, cultural, and scientific center.
Miami, officially the City of Miami, is the cultural, economic and financial center of South Florida, the seat of Miami-Dade County, the most populous county in Florida. Miami is one of the world’s – most popular vacation spots. The Miami area does indeed offer multiple enticements for everyone: the trendy nightlife of South Beach, bejeweled by the eye candy of the Art Deco district. The bustle of Calle Ocho and the highly caffeinated energy of Little Havana. The plush hotels of Miami Beach and the historic hideaways of Coral Gables. Seemingly endless shopping opportunities in modern, sprawling malls and the quiet, personal attention offered by the family-owned shops of Coconut Grove and many other corners of the region. The lures of deep-sea fishing and golf and tennis. Miami's major league football, basketball, hockey, and baseball. Boat shows and auto racing. Art festivals and outdoor food and wine extravaganzas. An international airport and the world’s busiest cruise port.
Montréal is the largest city in Canada's Québec province. It’s set on an island in the Saint Lawrence River and named after Mt. Royal, the triple-peaked hill at its heart. Its boroughs, many of which were once independent cities, include neighborhoods ranging from cobblestoned, French colonial Vieux-Montréal – with the Gothic Revival Notre-Dame Basilica at its centre – to bohemian Plateau.
Melbourne is the coastal capital of the southeastern Australian state of Victoria. Melbourne is the most populous city of the Australian state of Victoria, and the second most populous city in Australia and Oceania. At the city's centre is the modern Federation Square development, with plazas, bars, and restaurants by the Yarra River. In the Southbank area, the Melbourne Arts Precinct is the site of Arts Centre Melbourne – a performing arts complex – and the National Gallery of Victoria, with Australian and indigenous art.
Museo d'Arte Orientale è uno dei più recenti musei di Torino. Ubicato in pieno centro, ha sede nello storico Palazzo Mazzonis e ospita una delle raccolte artistiche asiatiche più interessanti d'Italia. L'Oriente in tutta la sua bellezza artistica: una collezione che racconta alcune tra le più affascinanti culture asiatiche.
The MIAAO International Museum of Applied Arts Today is an institution belonging to the Turin museum circuit. It is the only Italian museum dedicated to contemporary applied arts and to the enhancement of manual labor. The Museum was born in the centenary of the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Arts in Turin in 1902. The gallery on the first floor houses permanent collections: sculptures, ceramics, tapestries, jewelry, design objects, mechanical and light installations, photographs and paintings.
At I mosaici di Lastrucci all mosaics are entirely produced in the according to the original techniques dating back to the 16th century, which highlight the natural colour of every stone. The tools used are of ancient origin; progress and technology have not been able to create suitable substitutes for them, because the original tools were crafted for recreating a sense of beauty that modern technology is unable to reproduce. All mosaics are entirely produced by the Masters Iacopo and Bruno Lastrucci.