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Jane’s focus on direct action comes from her training as an environmental scientist (MA, Oxford University, M. Phil. Imperial College London) and international experience as a consultant on sustainable development. She founded We are Here Venice to protect and preserve Venice and it's lagoon and especially to stop the big ships by coming inside Venice. Research investigations have covered climate change and wetland ecology plus methodological issues like indicators and valuation approaches and the integration of different branches of knowledge and/or levels of uncertainty to overcome complexity and characterize urgent issues. She is also very much into the cultural life and events in Venice always for a wake-up call in protecting Venice.

 J, Listings /  Greater Europe

Johannesburg, South Africa's biggest city and capital of Gauteng province, began as a 19th-century gold-mining settlement. Its sprawling Soweto township was once home to Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu. Other Soweto museums that recount the struggle to end segregation include the somber Apartheid Museum and Constitution Hill, a former prison complex. Commonly known as Jo’burg or Jozi, this rapidly changing city is the vibrant heart of South Africa. After almost 20 years of decline and decay, Johannesburg is now looking optimistically towards the future. Its center is smartening up and new loft apartments and office developments are being constructed at a rapid pace. The hipster-friendly neighborhood of Maboneng is considered one of the most successful urban renewal projects in the world. However, the wealth divide remains stark, and crime and poverty haven't been eliminated.

 J, Listings /  Africa

Il J-Museum, noto per esteso come Juventus Museum, è un museo storico-sportivo multimediale bilingue dedicato alla società calcistica italiana per azioni Juventus Football Club, con sede nell'area nord-occidentale della città di Torino. E' un museo all’avanguardia e tecnologico che si rivolge sia ai tifosi bianconeri, che possono riassaporare le gioie che la tradizione vincente della Juventus ha offerto loro, sia a un pubblico più ampio, che attraverso la storia della società potrà rivivere quella del Paese.

 J, Listings /  Greater Europe

