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Reviglio was born in Turin. He was also educated in Turin. His undergraduate thesis was about improving efficiency in state-owned companies. Reviglio worked as a professor of public finance at the University of Turin. He was a member of the Socialist Party and served as the minister of finance and of balance for many years with different prime ministers. After working at the University of Turin for two more years he left his job in 1983 and became the president of the Italian energy firm Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi, which is commonly known as ENI. He was appointed to the post in order to reorganize and improve the firm. He achieved goals in large degree. He dedicated his life and his skills to the common good of his country and of Europe. He worked also for the MF and as a senior advisor at Lehmann Brothers. After leaving office and politics, he is the emeritus professor at the University of Turin, grandfather and finally enjoying his country house.

 F, Listings /  Greater Europe

Franco Dal Bello, an artisan restorer expert in mortars and lime decorations. He works with the same passion as the first day when he started as a young boy. His wide experience in old buildings helps him solving any difficult situation on facades and in humidity situations using only natural materials.

 F, Listings /  Greater Europe

From 1913 to today. A long story ours, handed down from father to son, made of experience, study, research, artistic sensitivity, passion for beauty. The reproduction of the classic piece of furniture has always been our intent to build every single piece, destined to last over time and capable of the most free combinations, in compliance with the artisan tradition of Brianza. The work done with the use of solid wood, the manual carving made by skilled artisans, the spring padding, the careful choice of fabrics are the unmistakable signs of each. exemplary.

 F, Listings /  Greater Europe

