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Daniela Foresto is a photographer lively and sunny, you understand at a glance that she cannot stop thinking about her work for a moment, perhaps because she came to photography through a particular path and it is as if she wanted to take advantage of every moment of precious time. As she herself says, she has always had a camera around her neck, since she was a girl and even while doing another profession. She is a portrait photographer from Turin, has her own personal gallery, a poses room and a laboratory of artistic prints. Mainly she works in black and white, she is deeply in love with the history of people, to portray and document it with photographic portraits where I look for the essence or the subtle thread of affections that binds people. For her, photographing is feeling.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Daverio was born in Mulhouse, Alsace in 1949 from an Italian father, and an Alsatian mother. He is the fourth of six children. Daverio attended the European School in Varese, and then studied economics and commerce at the Bocconi University in Milan Despite completing his cycle of studies, Daverio refrained from writing his final dissertation. As he said, "I was enrolled at Bocconi in 1968–1969, but I don't hold a degree. In those years you would go to university to learn, not to graduate". In 1975 he opened Galleria Philippe Daverio in Via Monte Napoleone in Milan, where he mostly focused on the avant-garde movements of the first half of the 20th century. In 1986, he opened the Philippe Daverio Gallery in New York City. In 1989 he opened a second gallery of contemporary art in Milan, Italy. The gallery eventually went bankrupt and closed in 1997. As a gallerist and publisher, Daverio has organized many exhibitions, including Andy Warhol's Last Supper in Milan. Through his program Passepartout, he explains any kind of art in such a marvelous and down to earth way but cultural deep, that one enjoys to understand everything and get into the subject.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Dante Alighieri è stato un poeta, scrittore e politico italiano, considerato il padre della lingua italiana; la sua fama è dovuta eminentemente alla paternità della Comedìa, divenuta celebre come Divina Commedia e universalmente considerata la più grande opera scritta in lingua italiana e uno dei maggiori capolavori della letteratura mondiale. Espressione della cultura medievale, filtrata attraverso la lirica del Dolce stil novo, la Commedia è anche veicolo allegorico della salvezza umana, che si concreta nel toccare i drammi dei dannati, le pene purgatoriali e le glorie celesti, permettendo a Dante di offrire al lettore uno spaccato di morale ed etica. Importante linguista, teorico politico e filosofo, Dante spaziò all'interno dello scibile umano, segnando profondamente la letteratura italiana dei secoli successivi e la stessa cultura occidentale, tanto da essere soprannominato il "Sommo Poeta" o, per antonomasia, il "Poeta". Dante, le cui spoglie si trovano presso la tomba a Ravenna costruita nel 1780 da Camillo Morigia, è diventato uno dei simboli dell'Italia nel mondo, grazie al nome del principale ente della diffusione della lingua italiana, la Società Dante Alighieri, mentre gli studi critici e filologici sono mantenuti vivi dalla Società dantesca. A partire dal XX secolo e nei primi anni del XXI, Dante è entrato a far parte della cultura di massa, mentre la sua opera e la sua figura hanno ispirato il mondo dei fumetti, dei manga, dei videogiochi e della letteratura.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Each forcola I create is like a journey. I start by studying the walnut wood trunk, as though I were in a foreign land which will slowly become friendlier. I outline the “forcola” with care respecting the grains of the wood, and then embark on the task, sweating and taking delight in the hard work. Every now and then I observe it as a traveler would when he gazes back to see how far he has come and stops for a moment to contemplate the scenery. I work slowly at times, and at others with a sense of urge, vigor and tenderness until I begin to see the curves and the lines I wanted emerging from the wood. Completing a forcola is a bit like crossing a finish line. I savor the moment as it will stay forever. Something has been created. And I must wait a little longer before embarking on another journey.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Chiara Donà dalle Rose, lawyer and member of the board of the University of Architecture of Venice, a woman of high profile and great commitment, cultural, social, and human. Chiara, for many simply "Countess", is a lawyer, member of the board of the IAUV University of Architecture in Venice, founder of Bias, Biennale Contemporary art of the religions of humanity. She is a culture consultant to the Municipality of Castelvetrano. Chiara has many interests, unable to list them all, among others, she works in close synergy with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and, on the Sinai Peninsula, is a humanitarian head of a project to create a hospital for Wish, World International Sicilian Heritage. Chiara is a strong-willed woman who does everything with seriousness and competence. And all with the enthusiasm, sensitivity, generosity and feminine sweetness. She is a champion for Venice safeguard.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Dalai Lama is a title given by the Tibetan people for the foremost spiritual leader of the Gelug or "Yellow Hat" school of Tibetan Buddhism, the newest of the classical schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, who lives as a refugee in India. Bodhisattvas are realized beings, inspired by the wish to attain complete enlightenment, who have vowed to be reborn in the world to help all living beings.

 D, Listings /  Asia

Duccio Mannucci & Partners is a dynamic press and marketing office, based in Florence, specialized in communication strategies, communication plans, press office, and public relations. Their clients are both profit and non-profit organizations to whom they provide pieces of advice for events, marketing, sponsorship, and fundraising. They organize and promote projects of high social value, particularly for children and adolescents with psychological distress. They are particularly interested in the protection and development of the territory and historical-artistic heritage of Florence and Tuscany.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Il Registro Italiano delle Dimore Storiche di Eccellenza si occupa della tutela, della valorizzazione e della promozione del patrimonio storico attraverso la certificazione di qualità delle migliori dimore storiche d’Italia per turismo ed eventi. Ogni giorno decine di castelli, ville di pregio e antiche dimore vengono valutati, catalogati e classificati dal Registro Italiano delle Dimore Storiche di Eccellenza per verificare che siano in possesso di tutti i requisiti necessari per ricoprire il delicato ruolo di ambasciatori della cultura dell’ospitalità italiana di alto livello. The Italian Register of Historic Houses of Excellence deals with the protection, enhancement, and promotion of the historical heritage through the quality certification of the best historic homes in Italy for tourism and events. Every day dozens of castles, prestigious villas, and ancient dwellings are evaluated, cataloged and classified by the Italian Register of Historic Houses of Excellence to verify that they meet all the requirements necessary to fill the delicate role of ambassadors of Italian hospitality culture high level.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Dublin, capital of the Republic of Ireland, is on Ireland’s east coast at the mouth of the River Liffey. Its historic buildings include Dublin Castle, dating to the 13th century, and imposing St Patrick’s Cathedral, founded in 1191. City parks include landscaped St Stephen’s Green and huge Phoenix Park, containing Dublin Zoo. The National Museum of Ireland explores Irish heritage and culture. Dublin's streets are a busy fusion of both past and present – a 1,000-year-old mix that has inspired writers, visitors and political firebrands alike. From the city’s Viking roots by the banks of the river Liffey to its atmospheric medieval churches along gracious Georgian streets, walk these streets and you'll be taking a journey through history.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

DE GUSTIBUS nasce agli inizi del novecento nella borgata marinara di Siculiana Marina in provincia di Agrigento. Gerlando Piro, patriarca di una delle più antiche famiglie del borgo, lavora il pesce azzurro sotto salamoia usando fusti di castagno. Oggi, i prodotti dell'azienda DE GUSTIBUS , rappresentano nel panorama gastronomico ed alimentare nazionale, l'essenza della tradizione siciliana, fatta di equilibrio tra i sapori tipici del mare e della campagna intorno alla Valle dei Templi.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

Durga natural colors and paints represent a historic line in the field of green building in Italy. In fact, since 1995 they are known in the field of restoration and sustainable construction. Durga products today make up a catalog of about 50 items, all biodegradable, including paints, thinners, paints and wall colors, detergents and household products.

 D, Listings /  Greater Europe

