There are many individuals, organizations and other initiatives, all striving to further their interest in heritage and restoration. However, there is no cohesion. It would be better to orchestrate our efforts and pull in the same direction. Unity is strength. To that end, is putting together a platform to create synergy…

Creating Synergy

Creating Synergy!


Online Community

Fostering Community!


Meetups & Social Networking

Local Social Networking!


Obviously, the best way to communicate is via social media. Networking locally and offline are not mutually exclusive. In fact, it’s a perfect combination for us to work locally and think locally. Considering that most people simply use social media to connect with family and friends, many do not appreciate what is ultimately possible.

Solving the social media puzzle…

We show our members how to make better use of social media to market their own products and services, while at the same time helping worthwhile causes. Adding the possibility to generate significant residual revenue, by simply sharing links… can lead to their own financial independence. We are busy developing various systems that seamlessly integrates our affiliate program with over 50 popular networks. The goal is to make it fingertip easy!

Heritage Ambassadors creating synergy1

Using the reach of the Internet and the power of social networks!

We show our members how they can earn money, by simply clicking on social icons, prominent on pages, posts and listings. Your unique affiliate ID is automatically embedded in every link. Try these social icons now…

Make it go viral!


Click here to see how your affiliate ID is seamlessly integrated in the icons above!


Help spread the word!