L’avvento di ChatGPT sta rivoluzionando la nostra vita, le nostre abitudini e il nostro lavoro. Il cambiamento è appena iniziato, che ci piaccia o no dovremo fare i conti con questa Intelligenza Artificiale che abbiamo creato. La scuola, il mondo accademico, il...

A Reminder About Heritage

Heritage is an integral part of our identity as individuals and as a society. It refers to the cultural traditions, customs, and practices that have been passed down through generations, and it encompasses everything from language and religion to art and architecture....


La parola monumento deriva dal latino monumentum, che significa “ricordo”. Scriveva nel 1806 Ugo Foscolo, celebre poeta e scrittore ne i ” Sepolcri”: “I monumenti, inutili ai morti, giovano ai vivi, perché destano affetti virtuosi...

Call to action!

Join a courteous community of pro-active people who care about others and the world around us. Meetup virtually and/or locally for social and business networking. Expose your products and services, while acquiring additional skills and broadening your knowledge....

Opportunity for Everyone!

No matter where in the world you are, nor what you currently do for a living, ANYONE can participate here. Starting with scholars wanting to make additional pocket money, and students obliged to pay off all their debt. For those looking for a job, this could be it. If...