From Dream To Reality!

It seems like only yesterday that we started the task of putting together. With a combination of dedication, technology and passionate perseverance… a platform for Heritage Ambassadors exists. Not only as a comprehensive suite of resources and...

Renaissance Déjà Vu!

It’s not by chance that the venue for the very first Heritage Ambassadors networking meeting is Caffe Fiorio in Turin, Italy. This is where Count Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi met to discuss the Reunification of Italy. Since it’s our ambition to bring...

Pronti Partenza Via!

On this first day of 2019, the thoughts of 2018 are far from forgotten. What a year it was! Personally I grew in many ways, especially technically. I did not think it would take this long to put together. However, being so close to the development team,...

Setting The Scene For 2019

Sitting quietly in my apartment in Turin, Italy… I’m reflecting on how we stacked the technical building blocks of Almost two years to the day, my life went off on a controlled tangent towards a terrific tomorrow. A future where we do not...

The Shape Of Heritage To Come!

When we set out to create, we knew that it had to be something different. There is a reason that so many buildings around the world lie derelict. The traditional ways of raising funds for restoration, no longer work. In the words of Albert Einstein,“The...

Drawing Back The Curtain!

It has been six months since we started the development of and we’re ready to draw back the curtain. A good opportunity to do so was at the annual Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze. A notable addition to the event this year is a...